Kennewick Packages Pirated Off Porches
People have a more than reasonable belief that packages delivered to their doorstep should be safe and there for them when they arrive home. The coining of the term porch pirate goes back to 2010, but when the activity actually started is unknown. you can safely bet that is was going on for some time before it earned the term.
When package theft increased at Christmas time, that's when people started to notice. Then when people started preventative measures during the holidays, porch pirates started striking at random. One of those random incidents happened Friday April 26th in Kennewick.

KPD was called to the 1600 block of S. Fruitland St a little after three in the afternoon after residents were reporting two men stealing packages off of properties. It didn't take long for multiple police cars to arrive at the scene along with Kennewick Detectives. The thieves attempted to avoid police by hiding in the backyards of homes in the area.
That didn't work too well. 36-year-old Kyle R Heintz and 40-year-old Brandon F Baker were arrested and booked in the Benton County jail on charges of Theft and Criminal Trespass. The adage of "See Something, Say Something" was utilized by the residents in the neighborhood. Not only were their packages were returned to them, but their quick actions made sure the men responsible were arrested and charged.
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Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart
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