The Grant County Sheriff’s deputy that accidentally shot his wife agreed to plead guilty to a charge of reckless endangerment in a deal with the Franklin County Prosecutor’s office who investigated the case. Deputy Kyle Foreman said Deputy Jose Rivera will be reinstated.

“Sheriff Jones has full confidence in Deputy Rivera as he does with the rest of the staff at the Grant County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Jones felt after a great deal of consideration, prayer and thought that to release Deputy Rivera would take a good cop away from the citizens as well as impose a hardship on Deputy Rivera’s family.”

Foreman says the Deputy will have to complete a sentence as part of the plea deal.

“The court did impose a sentence upon Deputy Rivera that he is to deliver 15 public presentations on firearm safety and those are to be done during his off-duty hours.”

There was no date listed in the press release on when Deputy Rivera will return to duty.

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