KENNEWICK, Wash. - Many local businesses have transitioined from brick and mortar to online. One industry that has seen a change to online services is the fitness sector.

Local gyms have classes streaming online and personal trainers have workout apps available, but one local family has created their own solution. They decided to take fun and fitness into their own hands and made it available for others to participate in.

TAZ KIDS FITNESS!!! Are you looking for a fun way for kids to stay active and in shape in this season of social distancing? Do you need a great way to learn about health and wellness from home? Then you need TAZ KIDS FITNESS!!!

This new Youtube channel developed by a mom, dad and their 2 young sons age 7 and 4 is dedicated to bringing joy to kids through fun workouts! TAZ Kids Fitness has superhero, animal kingdom, and sports themed workouts! And they are releasing a new workout each week to keep the fun coming and give you moms and dads a little break!

You can find these workouts by clicking here TAZ Kids Fitness or by going to! Come join the fun! TAZ Kids Fitness! Keeping fitness fun, for kids and kids at heart!

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