
Othello is located Adams County in Washington, located at the intersection of SR 17 and SR 26.

WSU Hosting Dry Cleaning and Sanitizing Workshop
WSU Hosting Dry Cleaning and Sanitizing Workshop
WSU Hosting Dry Cleaning and Sanitizing Workshop
Washington State University will host a workshop at the end of the month focused on sanitation in the onion industry.  School officials said the one-day event will focus on managing microbial risks in dry produce packing facilities, focusing in-depth on the onion sector.  Ex...
Man Dies In Crash Near Warden
Man Dies In Crash Near Warden
Man Dies In Crash Near Warden
An Othello man is dead following a single-vehicle accident in Grant County on Saturday. The Grant County Sheriff's Office says the crash occurred on Road U Southeast near Warden when 52-year-old Faustino N. Gonzalez failed to negotiate a curve with his pickup truck, which went off the roadway and rolled...
Othello Middle School On Alert Following Student Threats
Othello Middle School On Alert Following Student Threats
Othello Middle School On Alert Following Student Threats
McFarland Middle School in Othello was placed on alert this week following reported threats against its students. The Adams County Sheriff's Office says it received information about a potential threat to selected students at the school that they believe are connected with a feud between two rival gangs...
Seven Arrested Following Three-County Pursuit
Seven Arrested Following Three-County Pursuit
Seven Arrested Following Three-County Pursuit
Seven people are in jail after a high-speed pursuit in Adams County over the weekend. The Adams County Sheriff's Office says the incident began when deputies investigated a report of harassment involving two vehicles in the vicinity of West Kenfield Lane near Othello...

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