Her name is Taima, an Augur Hawk. According to the Seahawks website, she was hatched in April of 2005 at the World Bird Sanctuary in St. Louis and "flew" to Spokane in June of that year. Her trainer and handler is David Knutson. He is a lifelong Seahawks fan with over 30 years of experience with Birds of Prey.

Photo: Michael McDonnal
Photo: Michael McDonnal

Is Taima a Hawk or a Buzzard?

Taima has a wingspan of about 4 and 1/2 feet and will fly around the field to the delight of Seahawk fans prior to each game in Seattle. According to Wikipedia, the Augur hawk is native to mountainous regions in Namibia, Angola, and Ethiopia in northern Africa. In a story in The Spruce, these birds are raptors and referred to as Hawks in North America and Buzzards in Europe and Africa.

Photo: Michael McDonnal
Photo: Michael McDonnal

The Seahawk, Taima, is not an angry bird

Knutson and Taima help greet fans in the tunnel area with field passes. That's where we had the chance to say hello. She is amazingly calm and accepting of all that approach her.

Photo: Michael McDonnal
Photo: Michael McDonnal

One more flight at Lumen Field to wrap up the 2022 - 2023 season

Taima has one more scheduled flight this season as Seattle will host the L.A. Rams on Sunday.

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