The first complaint has been filed to the newly-created Kennewick Ethics Officer...and it pertains to alleged wrong-doing by councilman John Trumbo.

In it, Trumbo is said to have contacted the person who bought a house from State Senator Sharon well as request information on the former council member from the Public Disclosure Commission. Trumbo does not deny the contact, but does take issue with the claim he did so while acting as a public official.

"Should I even do that as a council member? I can do it as a private citizen on my own computer, on my own time. So, it's preposterous to say that a council member has to somehow reigned in from doing the things any private citizen could do. It's just absurd", Trumbo said.

The complaint was signed off by two council members and handed off to the Ethics Officer.

"They have no first-hand information whatsoever, in what form and by whom, I do not know. But the complaint they signed says I was investigating this without permission. Where is this written? That's not in the code of ethics", Trumbo added.

In no sooner than 30 days, there will be a hearing to review the evidence and Councilman Trumbo will be allowed to defend himself, but that date and time has not yet been set.

Trumbo declined to state why he was interested in the sale of Senator Brown's house, but said he would release that at a later time.

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