Dogs and Cats Seized From Tri-City Animal Shelter. BFHS Now In Control of Shelter
(Pasco, WA) -- Dozens of animals were seized yesterday at the Tri-City Animal Shelter. The shelter, off 1312 18th Ave in Pasco was served a search warrant. According to a press release, out of around 260 animals on-site, four dogs and 30 cats were seized and placed in immediate veterinary care. During the search, it was determined to put a portion of the shelter complex under the supervisionof the Benton-Franklin Humane Society. Immediately after police gave the okay, volunteers and staff from the BFHS began facility cleaning and assuming care of the remaining animals.
In part due to the raid, Pasco city officials say they have terminated the operating contract with the director and manager of Neo's Nation Animal Foundation. Operations and management of the shelter are now being handled by BFHS. It's up to the Humane Society to decide on whether current animal shelter staff will keep their jobs.