The trucking industry is a critical component of the economy, with almost every item relying on trucks for transportation. Unfortunately, over the last several years, there has been a startling drop in drivers.  In Washington State, this shortage is particularly pronounced, with 80% of communities relying solely on trucks for needed goods. 

  Othello School District

To address this issue, the Othello School District in Washington has taken a proactive step by introducing a Career and Technical Education course focused on trucking. The district purchased a semi-truck and a tanker, offering hands-on training to high school seniors. The curriculum aligns with federal guidelines, enabling students to obtain their Commercial Drivers License upon graduation. Students are excited for the opportunity to get a head start in the industry. The affordability of the program, which costs 500 bucks compared to the expensive trucking schools, makes it accessible to students and families.  

Female Truck Drivers

The initiative also aims to diversify the trucking industry, traditionally dominated by men. With only 6.6% of American truck drivers being female, the program encourages girls to consider trucking as a viable career option. About eight girls at Othello High School plan to enroll in the course next year, a positive step towards gender inclusivity in the industry. 

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For industry veterans who're nearing retirement after decades behind the wheel, the program offers hope for the future. Despite the challenges, including financial barriers and misconceptions about the industry, initiatives like these provide a pathway for young individuals to enter the workforce with valuable skills and opportunities for success. 

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Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals

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