New restrictions on openly carrying guns, loosened rules for police pursuits, reduced storage time for unclaimed human remains, and a ban on octopus farming are among the 310 new laws taking effect in Washington this Thursday. 

Most bills from this legislative session, signed by Gov. Jay Inslee, become law 90 days after the session ends, which is June 6 this year. Here are some of the key changes: 


Police Pursuits 

One of the three citizen initiatives passed into law will allow police to pursue suspects with reasonable suspicion of any law violation, removing previous restrictions limited to specific violent crimes. Critics argue it could lead to more dangerous chases, while supporters believe it will help reduce crime. 

Parental Rights 

A new parental "bill of rights" lets parents of K-12 students review school materials and medical records and opt out of assignments about sexual experiences or religious beliefs. This initiative has sparked backlash from LGBTQ+ groups and a lawsuit claiming it harms students and violates the state Constitution. 

No Income Tax 

Another initiative bans personal income taxes, affirming the state's current stance despite no plans to impose such a tax. 

Hog-Tying Ban 

Police can no longer hog-tie arrestees, a practice criticized for suffocation risks. This law follows the death of Manuel Ellis in police custody and aims to prevent similar incidents. 

Child Marriage Ban 

Starting Thursday, any marriage involving someone under 18 will be void, removing previous judicial exceptions. 

Co-Living Legalization 

Co-living units with shared kitchens and common areas will be legal again, promoting affordable housing options. 

Firearms Restrictions 

Guns will be banned in public libraries, zoos, aquariums, and transit facilities, with certain exceptions. Open carry is already restricted in various public spaces. 


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Human Remains 

Mortuaries must now keep unclaimed human remains for 45 days instead of 90, addressing storage space issues. 

Octopus Farming Ban 

A statewide ban on octopus farming will protect these sentient creatures, recognized for their capacity for happiness and distress. 

These Insidious Washington Unsolved Murders Are Our New Obsession

Several murders have yet to be solved in Washington. These unsolved murders haunt the families and friends of the victims. Even with various law enforcement agencies across the state working tirelessly to bring these folks some closure, there is still help needed on the part of the everyday resident. Crime Stoppers of Tacoma/Pierce County urges anyone with a tip to call 1-800-222-TIPS. Tips that lead to the arrest of a suspect could be rewarded with up to $1,000.

Gallery Credit: Pete Christensen

Sexual Violence in Washington State

Sexual violence and sexual assault are, sadly, types of crime we may never see disappear from society. With the stigma and shame surrounding victims, it's important to be aware of what the statistics are in our community. Let's look at the official statistics for sexual violence in Washington state.

Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton


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