WA Governor Jay Inslee Visits Tri-Cities
(Richland, WA) -- Governor Jay Inslee was in the Tri-Cities on Tuesday. The day consisted of several roundtable discussions with local personnel--starting with conversations about affordable housing and homelessness. Following talks with Richland officials, Inslee visited Pacific Northwest National Lab Staff and WSU Tri-Cities to learn more about local work being done work being done to address clean energy and climate change.
"They're (PNNL) doing this fantastic work to be able to develop much more advanced batteries to power out cars and get additional range. Here at WSU we learned about some biofuels developed that is really some of the most cutting edge research in the world," said Inslee.
The day's activities concluded with a short media session on the WSU-Tri-Cities Campus in which Inslee addressed questions regarding the Richland School District's mask mandate decisions, a Senate Bill that could limit the Governor's emergency powers, and a bill that includes a six percent tax on fuel exports.
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