
Hay Expo Set For January 15-16
Hay Expo Set For January 15-16
Hay Expo Set For January 15-16
The 2025 Northwest Hay Expo will take place in the Tri-Cities next week.  Andrew Eddie, President of the Washington State Hay Growers Association, said this year’s classes and education opportunities will focus on trends in the industry, helping growers improve business practices.   "It wa...
Wine Minute: Changes At WSU
Wine Minute: Changes At WSU
Wine Minute: Changes At WSU
Washington State University has made several changes to the school's Viticulture and Enology curriculum.  Dr. Jean Dodson Peterson explains the changes and how they will benefit students.     If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquareme...
Why Do We Still Have Levees in Tri-Cities?
Why Do We Still Have Levees in Tri-Cities?
Why Do We Still Have Levees in Tri-Cities?
Yes, we have levees along the river shore in Tri-Cities to prevent flooding, but there are other reasons why we still have the levees that might surprise you. And, why are they being allowed to overgrow with brush, weeds, and trees?
New Biofuels Facility In Pasco Nears Completion
New Biofuels Facility In Pasco Nears Completion
New Biofuels Facility In Pasco Nears Completion
On Friday, representatives from USDA’s Rural Development were in the Tri-Cities, attending a ribbon-cutting for a new biofuels facility.  The facility, owned by Vancouver-WA based Tidwater Terminal Company, received over $3 million via the Inflation Reduction Act, which looked to increase the availability of domestic biofuels.  Betsy Dirkson...
WSU's Jean Dodson Peterson Recognized Nationally
WSU's Jean Dodson Peterson Recognized Nationally
WSU's Jean Dodson Peterson Recognized Nationally
Congratulations to Washington State University’s Jean Dodson Peterson.  The founding chair of WSU’s Department of Viticulture and Enology, was recently named one of Wine Enthusiast magazine’s Future 40 Tastemakers of 2024.   The magazine prais...

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