Town Hall Meeting for Proposed Horse Heaven Wind Farm
KENNEWICK, Wash.- The Benton County Commissioner's Office is asking the public for their opinion on a proposed wind farm. The meeting will be held Tuesday March 16, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Scout Clean Energy wants to build almost 250 wind turbines and a solar component across 6,500 acres of land. The proposed site is about 4 miles south of the Tri-Cities urban area, and generally extends from the Columbia River to the south of Benton City along the Horse Heaven Hills. Project information and hearing dates can be found here.
The public is invited to view and/or participate in the town hall meeting in three ways:
- Remotely via video (WebEx)
- Remotely via telephone
- In person at the Benton County Justice Center (7122 W Okanogan Place, Kennewick)
People wishing only to view the meeting and not wishing to provide comments are asked to participate remotely via video or telephone. Those wishing to speak to the Commissioners can do so remotely or in person.
People wishing to provide comments to the Board but not speak during the meeting are invited to send their comments to Commissioners@co.benton.wa.us with the subject line “Wind Farm Town Hall Comments.” More information can be found here.Ben
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