Prosser Breaks Ground on New Hospital
(Prosser, WA) -- Following approval from the Washington State Department of Health, the USDA and the City of Prosser, Prosser Memorial Health broke ground on a $112 million hospital project. The healthcare system held a ceremony Tuesday to celebrate the beginning of the building, which will ultimately replace a a hospital facility that dates back to the 1940s.
Why Is The USDA Involved?
According to a press release from Prosser Memorial Health, financing was made possible with a more-than $73 million guaranteed loan from the USDA, along with a $1 million USDA grant. $27 million in cash came from Prosser Memorial Health itself, and $3 million was offered from the Prosser Memorial Health Foundation. Because of this, the hospital is not asking taxpayers to help fund this project. The new hospital site will be located on the northeast corner of North Gap Road and I-82, along 33 acres.
The Current Hospital Just Doesn't Fit The Bill Anymore
According to the healthcare system, the current facility is aging, and it offers no room for expansion. It was decided that building a new hospital would be both a more efficient and cost-effective option. And they add that with a new building comes more technological advancements including more needed space, state-of-the-art surgical suites, an expanded cardiology department, new birthing suites, and all private inpatient rooms.
If all goes as planned, the new hospital will be ready by the year 2024.