Pasco High School Groundbreaking: First Use of RoboticsPasco High School Groundbreaking: First Use of RoboticsIt's the first time MULEs are being used in Washington State for a project like this.Mark RattnerMark Rattner
Groundbreaking Held at Future Broadmoor DevelopmentGroundbreaking Held at Future Broadmoor DevelopmentThe groundbreaking will begin a number of events leading to a massive new development.Greg NeftGreg Neft
Prosser Breaks Ground on New HospitalProsser Breaks Ground on New HospitalThe hospital will replace one dating back to the 1940sGreg NeftGreg Neft
Groundbreaking for New Pasco Animal ShelterGroundbreaking for New Pasco Animal ShelterThe new shelter will feature a number of improvements and allow it to expand as the area growsGreg NeftGreg Neft
Anticipated Groundbreaking For New Tri-Cities Animal Shelter SoonAnticipated Groundbreaking For New Tri-Cities Animal Shelter SoonThe existing facility is at capacity and has exceeded its useful life.Patti BannerPatti Banner