Crash Triggers Brush Fire, Destroys Driver’s Car Near Prosser
Car fire near prosser (BCSO)
A Sunday night crash and fire were due to driver inattention, say Deputies.
Driver loses control, crashes, triggers fire
Late Sunday night, Benton County Deputy and fire units responded to a location near the area where West King Tull Road and County Route 12 meet, about halfway between Prosser and Grandview,.
A driver failed to negotiate a corner and crashed into a ditch, where the exhaust set fire to the grass and brush.
The fire quickly grew, engulfing the car and destroying it. When crews arrived the can was completely covered in flames.

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Fortunately, the driver escaped, but the car was totaled. Benton County Deputies say lack of attention by the driver led to the crash. No official word if any citations issued, but the driver was not hurt.