A group is calling for Benton City leaders to act now and allow recreational marijuana sales instead of putting the idea up for an advisory vote on the ballot.

"Benton City for Cannabis" says putting it up for a vote could cost $22,000, potentially wasting money.

"The state of Washington has already voted and made it legal, it really doesn't seem fair to ignore that and let someone else say, no we don't want it," says Cindy Jackson with Benton City for Cannabis.

Jackson says the group is asking the city to extend the buffer zone from 100 to 500 feet from residential areas to address some concerns they have heard. In a letter sent to the council on Thursday, the group outlines the reasons why it should be approved by addressing concerns on kids, revenue and the federal government.

The group also put up a petition online gaining over 180 signatures.

A public hearing to speak on the ordinance is set for May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at the Ki-Be High School Performing Arts Center.

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