KENNEWICK, Wash.-- After months of cancelled classes and long-distance learning, the Kennewick School Board has approved a plan for sending students back to in-person learning.

After reviewing the current case counts for Benton County, along with the procedures for sanitization and PPE protocols, the board voted 4 to 1 to start returning students back to class beginning October 12th.

Board member Heather Kintzley offered a motion to enter into the hybrid model effective October 12 and to the allow the administration the flexibility to determine whether to begin bringing some or all K-2 students into the hybrid model sooner than the 12th, but no sooner than October 1.

Diane Sundvik cast the only dissenting vote after stating that she was concerned that October first might be too soon for younger students to begin in-person learning.

The board reviewed and discussed health metrics and procedures for in-person learning models for close to two hours before offering and voting on a motion.

"There are a thousand reasons why we shouldn't send our kids back to school. But, I have three reasons at my house and they all need to go back to school. They're asking, begging to go back," said board member Michael Connors. "The best place for these kids is in school, with their teachers, with their peers. COVID's not going anywhere. You can get it at Walmart, you can get it at Safeway, you can get it at the mall. All those places are all open for business."

The board plans to review updated health metrics at its October 7th meeting to ensure that the plan for in-person learning can move forward.

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