Kennewick Schools to Mail New Levy to Voters
(Kennewick, WA) -- Kennewick Schools says they are sending details about another levy along for your consideration. It's KSD's Replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy. It's revised from another levy that failed during February's special election with lower levels from the previous one.
Information about Kennewick School District’s Replacement Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy, voters’ pamphlets and ballots are being mailed the week of April 6. Ballots are due by April 26.
The school board unanimously voted to run a two-year revised levy after the ballot measure did not pass in February.
The proposed levy amounts have been lowered to $20.625 million in 2023 and $23.375 million in 2024. The projected tax rates for the levy are now $1.75 for 2023 and $1.85 for 2024.
If the levy passes, the district will receive an additional projected $14 million per year in state Local Effort Assistance (LEA) funding, also known as levy equalization.
The current EP&O levy tax expires at the end of 2022. The proposed levy replaces the expiring levy.
The levy supports staff and programs in the areas of student learning and staffing, health and safety, athletic and activities, instructional support, and operations and maintenance.
Community open houses about the levy are planned for April 12 and 14 at the KSD Administration Center located at 1000 W. 4th Ave., Kennewick.
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