COVID, Flu, & RSV Levels Make Tri-Cities Hospital Change Policy
A Tri-Cities area hospital is making a change in policy for all healthcare workers who provide care in person to patients.

Tri-Cities Area Hospital Change Policy After Increase in COVID, Flu, & RSV
If you have been "around people" over the last few months, I am sure you noticed the same thing that I have. It seems like everyone I know is either sick now or has been sick recently. I have not had any friends seriously sick, however, the recent numbers show a large increase in COVID, flu, and RSV. Kadlec Regional Medical Center recently released that they are now requiring all their healthcare workers who work in person with patients to now wear masks. The change comes after seeing large increases in positive tests for COVID, Flu, & RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).
The Benton Franklin Health District Reports Virus Increases
A report was released recently from the Benton Franklin Health District Communicable Disease Epidemiologist Supervisor which shows large increases in all 3 viruses locally. They also showed that the most prevalent virus in the Tri-Cities currently is the latest version of COVID-19. They also point out that the numbers are likely higher than they found because of the high probability of people not getting tested after being only mildly sick. The Benton Franklin Health District says the study shows that 1 in 4 have had recently or currently have COVID-19. They say the best way to keep yourself and your family safe is to wash your hands and isolate when you're sick. The most important groups to protect from infection are the elderly and immunocompromised people.