3 Different WSDOT Crews Hit in Work Zones Within Hours on Monday
The Washington State Department of Transportation is seeing record accidents recently with 3 in one day that injured more crew members this week.
WSDOT Sounds Alarm on Crew Safety in Work Zones
There have been so many car crashes into Washington State Department of Transportation work zones this year, that it is insane. Now, 3 different crews were involved in accidents within hours of each other on the same morning. The first accident involving WSDOT crews in 2024 sent 6 members to the hospital, but luckily everyone survived. The crash information from Washington State DOT back on January 21, 2024, also came with a message from the families and friends of those involved. The message reminds people to remember that crews are "People with family, friends, co-workers who worry about them & want them to be safe. They take precautions, they make a plan, they set up safe work zones, and then one person makes a terrible decision that changes lives." Obviously, the people of Washington State did not get the message, because the problem seems to be increasing in number.
Monday: 3 Different WSDOT Crews Struck by Cars in Work Zones
Last Monday, 3 different crews working in work zones were involved in accidents before 10 am. The Washington State Department of Transportation announced the accidents this morning on social media. The post says "Three separate work zone collisions all this morning before 10 am. I was about to tell you about them when a FOURTH work zone collision happened. People. Can we stop with this? This is not that hard. Slow down, move over, pay attention." I agree, what is it going to take? So far we have been lucky and nobody from the Washington State Department of Transportation has died yet, but if things don't change soon someone will. PLEASE MOVE OVER AND SLOW DOWN!!
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