A 50-year-old local company has joined the Kadlec family and opened a new sports medicine and surgery center in Richland.

Northwest Orthopaedic says about four years ago the company decided it wanted to build a new building and surgery center. Over that time, the company was approached by Kadlec to join forces and they celebrated the merger Thursday.

"The area is growing and our ability to provide more orthopedic care in the outpatient setting has grown and the facility we were in, really was not going to allow that. As well as, Kadlec needed more rooms for them to expand their outpatient care," says Staeheli.

The large clinic right off 240 and Fowler Street will provide a clinic, therapy center and surgery center for orthopedic and sports medicine-related injuries. Surgeon John Staeheli with Northwest Orthopaedic says the merger and new clinic will help create several more jobs in the area.

"We expect to hire another couple of providers, we have got plenty of space here for that, physical therapy will be moving in here and that will open up some jobs there, as well as, technicians and then the nurses and the technicians who will work in our surgery center," says Staeheli.

The new clinic will start seeing patients on Tuesday, with the surgery center to open later this summer. For the existing patients, Northwest Orthopaedics says it will continue to operate its clinic off Swift Boulevard.

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