Military aircraft will be flying around the city of Yakima this week, but do not be alarmed, it is all for training exercises.

Randy Beehler with the city says these exercises have been done several times before with the training center located just north of Yakima, which is why the fleet will take-off, land and refuel at the city's airport.

"It might draw attention as you are driving by the airport and we just encourage people to keep their eyes on the road and not be distracted by this aircraft that is unusual to the airport," says Beehler.

Chinook helicopters, and a C-130 Hercules, which are large transport planes, will be in the area and could cause excess noise when the aircraft fly between 2:00 p.m. until approximately midnight. City officials are asking for the community to be understanding with the noise and  if you have any information you can contact the Yakima Air Terminal-McAllister Field administration office at 575-6149.


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