Kennewick Fundraiser Held for Trooper Shot in Walla Walla
(Kennewick, WA) -- Turnout was heavy for a fundraiser held for State Patrol Trooper Dean Atkinson, Junior Tuesday night at the Summers Hub Food Truck Plaza in Kennewick. The majority of the food trucks operating there, along with the restaurant pledging their sales to Trooper Atkinson's recovery efforts. Atkinson was shot in Walla Walla while in his patrol car several weeks ago. He was flown to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle for his recovery, but was able to return home and continue treatment. Trooper Chris Thorson telling Newsradio "thank you again from the bottom of the State Patrol's heart. For all the support online financially, physically. I mean it's just been amazing, so again, thank you very much."
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