Yakima Police received some help from mother nature Tuesday and Wednesday as snow is slowing drivers in Yakima as emphasis patrols continue.
Every Tuesday Yakima Police update the numbers from the patrols.
During the week of November 20 through November 26 Officers were busy making 911 traffic stops. The Officers issued 408 citations and gave out hundreds of warnings.
During the week Officers investigated 22 collisions with 13 being the result of a driver not stopping for a red light. The Officers also arrested 13 drivers for Drivers Under the Influence.

So far this month many drivers have been stopped and given a ticket

All total so far this month Yakima Police Department Officers have made 3,921 traffic stops and issued 1,765 citations. City officials say there's no plan to end the emphasis patrols anytime soon and will likely continue until the end of the year and beyond. Capt. Jay Seely says he believes the patrols are making a big difference in sending a message to drivers that they need to watch their speed.

Officers are mandated to make traffic stops

Capt. Jay Seely Commander of the city traffic unit says officers are now charged with making 3 to 4 traffic stops a day during the current patrols.
The emphasis patrols in the city are coupled with emphasis patrols being conducted around the state during the holidays. The Washington State Patrol says the “High Visibility Enforcement” happen on specific days. Future patrols include Dec. 17, and Dec. 31. Troopers and local authorities will be working together on those days to watch for speeders and impaired drivers.

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