WA Dept. of Ag. Adds New Pesticides to Use List for Marijuana
The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) recently updated the list of pesticides that are allowed for use in the production of high-THC cannabis in Washington State, based on criteria previously established by WSDA.
This includes 8 new Section 3 pesticides and 13 new Section 25(b) pesticides to the list of allowable products for a total of 21 new products. WSDA also removed 24 Section 3 pesticides and 14 Section 25(b) pesticides from the list for a total of 38 products removed.
According to the Department of Agriculture, the updated list contains 245 Section 3 pesticides and 87 Section 25(b) pesticides, for a total of 332 products allowed for use in the production of cannabis in Washington State.
Interestingly, spray adjuvants are not included on the list. Though any spray adjuvant that is labeled for use on food crops can be used with an allowed pesticide that is applied to cannabis, if the intended use is authorized by the product label.
The Department of Agriculture also notes that pesticides containing two new active ingredients, Sucrose Octanoate Esters and Chitosan, were added to the list. Although most of the pesticides that were added to the list contain active ingredients that were already allowed for use in marijuana production.
For a full listing of all of the pesticides that have been added, or removed, follow this link to the state website.
Interestingly, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Board recently advised the public that a grow operation out of Bend recently had to remove their products from the market because of elevated levels of arsenic in the flower product.