Grants Available to Help Families of Missing/Murdered Indigenous People
(Seattle, WA) -- A Washington-based nonprofit just announced the creation of two new funds to support Indigenous communities across much of the Mountain and Pacific Northwest. The first program is the Red Blanket Fund, which will help Native families seek out and remember lost loved ones. The fund offers $1,000 grants to assist families with search costs, awareness campaigns, healing ceremony work, after care for loved ones found, and funeral expenses.
“We are so honored to be able to offer this funding and increase much needed resources for this critical work that is happening throughout our Pacific Northwest region. For far too long the crisis of residual violence in Indigenous communities has been under-resourced and women and families continue to suffer. We are hoping that our small contributions can spark meaningful impact by investing in community-based solutions.” said Susan Balbas, Executive Director of the Na’ah Illahee Fund--which created the Red Blanket Fund.
Native individuals living in Washington,Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and British Columbia are all eligible to apply for the grant assistance. They can learn more by calling 206-784-0818, or visiting https://www.naahillahee.org/redblanketfund.
Additionally, the Let’s Help To End Gender Based Violence and Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women/People (MMIWP) grants can help indigenous organizations working to address the issues. Grant fund amounts start at $1,000 up to $25,000. Individuals, Community Groups ,and Non-profit organizations or Tribes/British Columbia First Nation Bands who are doing this work are encouraged to apply.
The Na’ah Illahee Fund was established in 2005 and is an Indigenous women-led organization dedicated to the ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities. Through grantmaking, capacity-building and community-based intergenerational programming, NIF seeks transformative change by supporting culturally grounded leadership and organizing. Focused on Indigenous Ecology, Food Sovereignty, and Wise Action, NIF works to advance climate and gender justice, while creating healthy pathways towards self-determination and movement-building.
For questions about the fund, please contact Susan Balbas, Executive Director at (206)348-4036 or susan@naahillaheee.org .
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