How is that New Year's resolution working out?  If it was tied to dropping a few pounds did you make it past Quitter's day?  If not, and you're still looking for a way to drop some weight, a new study released by researchers at Washington State University may restore that lost mojo.


Dieting Sucks

It does and it's hard.  It takes self-discipline, motivation, and the creation of a routine to help promote a healthier lifestyle.  There is no shortage of fad diets or internet influencers swearing that THIS is the next best thing.  The truth is we are all different and there isn't a foo proof plan that works for everyone.

The glimmer of hope for those who have tried, failed, tried again, failed again, and keep trying (yours truly included) is there are a number of foods out there that can help you.  There are some things considered fundamentally important if you're going to change your dietary habits.

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Good Gut Health


It has been shown that positive changes in your gut microbiota can be a catalyst in healthy weight loss.

Improving Glucose Tolerance

Decreasing your blood glucose level drops your insulin levels.  Insulin reduction always comes before weight loss.

Fat Oxidation

This isn't the same as burning fat.  Oxidizing fat is breaking down fatty acids with oxygen and creating energy.  The researchers at WSU believe this food can help you in all three of the above pursuits and it is grown in Washington State as well.

How Much Do You Know About Elderberries?


Elderberry is in a group known as 'superfoods'.  Superfoods are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants as well as playing a role in potentially reducing inflammation and having a a positive impact ion other aspects of health.

WSU researchers found elderberry juice can help with weight loss and boost metabolic health.  You don't have to go crazy with it, just add a 12oz glass to your daily routine.  They say you'll notice a difference in just a week.

Clinical testing during the study showed that those in the 18 person trial who consumed elderberry juice had significantly increased amounts of good gut bacteria,  and less harmful bacteria.  They also showed improvement in their metabolisms.


The best part about elderberries (particularly the black elderberries which are the superfood) could be grown in and Eastern Washington backyard if you have the desire and patience to do so.  Jams, juice, jellies, and syrup are just some of the things you can make from elderberries that could help you on your weight loss journey.

Healthy Foods That People Seem to Hate

Here is a look at some healthy food options that lots of people seem to not like very much.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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