
Washington State and Bullies: What's the Deal?
Explore the legal definition of bullying in Washington State and its profound influence on students' education and mental health.

Is Kindergarten Required in Washington State? The Shocking Answer
As a kid, I had a hated my kindergarten experience. I have some mostly scarring memories. BLEH!

Yakima High School Students Protest Over Upcoming Teacher Firings
Students are furious about the Yakima School Board's recent decision to fire educators.

Yakima School District to Cut Jobs As It Looks to Save Millions
The major cuts weren't made this year because the district used reserve money to balance the budget.

Potential College Place HS Threat Results in Student Removal
Student was found to have an airsoft type pistol with them.

Get A Taste Of Nostalgia With This Homemade Cheese Zombies Recipe
Rediscover the nostalgic joy of cheese zombies with a homemade recipe using frozen bread dough and processed cheese slices!

WA House Rep to Introduce Financial Education Grad Requirement
Bill would require students earn at least a half credit for learning basic budget, financial skills in high school.

Washington High School to Represent the State in the Macy’s Parade
How cool is this? Watch Mercer Island High School represent Washington state in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
5:30 to 9 a.m. on NBC.
LIVE from New York City.
The parade goes on a 2.5 mile trek from the Upper West Side down to Manhattan...

Kennewick Mini-bike Rider Scatters Teachers, Students at Park
Rider went speeding through the school grounds at high speed, while teachers and students were outside.