Richland Police Department Joins the Pink Patch Project
The Richland Police department is joining hundreds of agencies across the county and the world with the Pink Patch Project, all to raise awareness of breast cancer. Though most believe breast cancer to be a female-only ailment, the disease can affect men, as well.
Richland Chief of Police, Briget Clary says, "we've joined the pink patch project which is an organization across the country where law enforcement agencies put the pink on their patch for the month of October in support of breast cancer awareness and you can look at their website at pinkprojectpinkpatchproject.com if you want to check out all the different agencies that are sporting the pink patch."
The pink patches are intended to stimulate conversation with the community and to encourage public awareness about the importance of early detection.
Chief Clary adds, "I think it's something that's important to support the community and also our officers who have had families affected by breast cancer, and other types of cancer, and it's a good way to connect our officers to the community and just to start conversations about cancer."
The Richland Police Department Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps fund important, ongoing educational and public safety issues for RPD, will be selling the patches on its website.
"The Richland Police Department Foundation does a lot of great things for the community and for wellness efforts for our officers. They're going to be selling the pink patches and you can access additional information on their website at richlandpdf.org," Chief Clary says.
Multiple agencies in the region are also participating in the effort, including the Benton County Sheriff's Department and Pasco Police.
Beyond this, Chief Briget Clary notes, "...we're going to be doing some other special things in the next few days that will reveal soon," in relation to the Pink Patch Project.
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