Man in crisis tells Police where he hid a weapon in Richland (RPD)
Man in crisis tells Police where he hid a weapon in Richland (RPD)

 Richland Police now say cooperation from a citizen and help from the Benton County Sheriff's Office K-9 helped a lot in this issue.

   Man having a 'crisis' near Richland Community Center

Monday evening, around 7:10 PM  RPD was advised about a man having what were believed to be mental issues near the Center.

When Police arrived they talked to the man, who told them he was indeed in distress. He also told officers he'd hidden a firearm in some bushes further north along the Columbia River near the Hampton Inn.

Rifle found in bushes ( RPD)
Rifle found in bushes ( RPD)

Benton County Sheriff's K-9 Sable was brought in to help locate the weapon and the rifle was successfully recovered.

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RPD says the man was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment to help with his situation.

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Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman

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