After a Red Wave that wasn’t in November, Washington D.C. is very partisan and very tight, with no clear advantage for either of the major parties.


What does that mean for farm county, and issues important for at the Ag sector?


Jacqui Fatka, Associate Editor at Agri-Pulse Communications, says the American political landscape has become so partisan, and many in small communalities feel like they need to select over extreme candidate over the other.  She noted that voters in the past couple of election cycles have felts like the needed to settle on the lesser of two evils.


“Some of what happened in this this election cycle may have been because Republicans were looking at a far extreme candidate that did not have the ability to garner those more independent voters.  And we have to remember we have almost a third of our voters, between 1/4 and 1/3 of our voters are independents, so they're not the same far right far left and we need to have more candidates that can win on Election Day.  Not just get out of a primary and unfortunately that's kind of been lost here of as of late.”


Fatka noted that these tight margins will most likely benefit the 2023 Farm Bill, as both parties will need to work together to get new legislation on the books. 



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