
The Hourly Wage You Need to Afford Rent in Washington
The Hourly Wage You Need to Afford Rent in Washington
The Hourly Wage You Need to Afford Rent in Washington
Say it with me. "The rent is too damn high!" It was high back then and with most places raising the rent every 6 months or so, it's getting worse and worse. To the point where many are having trouble making ends meet with the rent and power and food and any other essentials...
Seattle City Council Passes Bills to Curb Rent Hikes
SEATTLE, Wash.--Landlords in Seattle will soon be required to give renters six months' notice before raising rent and provide assistance to low-income tenants who move in response to a large rent increase. Seattle City Council passed a pair of bills Monday that sponsor Kshama Sawant says will "mitigate the harm that is going to be experienced by renters because of skyrocketing rents ... Read