Climate Change

Short says Bill Aimed Curbing Climate Change Would Hurt WA County
Short says Bill Aimed Curbing Climate Change Would Hurt WA County
Short says Bill Aimed Curbing Climate Change Would Hurt WA County
A bill that began in the Washington House targeting the state's response to climate change is now moving through the Senate after passing its initial chamber on March 3. House Bill 1181 (HB 1181) is designed to improve the state's response to climate change by making upgrades to its planning framework...
Proposal Would Encourage Oregon Farmers To Purchase E-Tractors
Proposal Would Encourage Oregon Farmers To Purchase E-Tractors
Proposal Would Encourage Oregon Farmers To Purchase E-Tractors
A bill in the Oregon legislature would add electric farm tractors to the list of vehicles eligible for rebates.  State Representative, Wilsonville’s Courtney Neron said an incentive would start the process.   "If we do not incentivize the transition to electric agricultural vehicles, then we are also missing an important opportunity to reduce emissions in the agricultural sector which also pl

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