Seattle Mulling Allowing 24-Hour Alcohol Service in Bars
24-hour bars? Alcohol served at 6AM?
Seattle considering proposals to boost nightlife
According to information released by Seattle City officials as well as MyNorthwest.com, Seattle is considering changing its ordinances to allow bars to stay open until 3, or 4 AM, possibly even 24 hours.
The City Office of Economic Development sent out a survey in February to bars and other nightlife businesses and asked their opinion on extending alcohol service hours. Some owners believe they could benefit from bars staying open until 3 or 4 AM but even they balked at the idea of 24-hour service.

Several workers told MyNorthtwest.com they could see the extended hours but 24 was a bit much. The workers from Post Pike Bar & Cafe in Capitol Hill told reporters such changes would affect their commute and safety.
According to MyNorthwest.com:
"Any formal plans to extend hours would mean the city would likely need to request the State Liquor Board make exceptions for local jurisdictions, as it has in the past. While current Washington state law allows localities to set earlier closing times or later opening times, it prohibits sales after 2 a.m."
The city has indicated it has not made any firm decisions on time changes yet.
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