This list is a lot harder than you would think to make. Sometimes there is a very fine line between cute and weird. But with the help of the internet and those here around the radio house, I think I have definitively come up with the cutest animals that can be seen here in Washington. The following are in no particular order; enjoy!

Pot-bellied Pig

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Pot-bellied Pig

The potbellied pig is a small breed of domesticated pig characterized by a round, protruding belly and compact size. They usually grow to about 100 to 200 pounds and are kept as pets due to their friendly and intelligent nature. Native to Vietnam, these pigs have gained popularity in the U.S. and other countries as exotic pets. 

Snow Leopard

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Snow Leopard2

The snow leopard is a large, elusive cat native to mountainous areas of Central and South Asia.  Notably included are the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. Their thick, spotted coats camouflage these animals in a rocky and snowy landscape, where they are top predators feeding on ibex, sheep, and small mammals. It is a very solitary animal that has adapted to high-elevation life, using its powerful legs and long tail for balance.

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Snow Leopard

Humboldt Penguins

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Humboldt Penguins

Humboldt penguins are part of the class Aves in the order Spheniscidae. They can be found in South America on coasts stretching from Chile to Peru.
They are medium-sized penguins, 
recognizable by their black and white plumage, where a band of black feathers crosses the chest, and a pink patch near their eyes. Named for the cold Humboldt Current off their coastal habitat, these penguins have adapted to warm, coastal waters and depend on fish, squid, and krill for food.


Brown Bear

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Brown Bear

The brown bear is one of the world's largest bear species and can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia. They are highly adaptable and can live in various habitats, ranging from forests to mountains and tundra.


Brown bears have thick, brown coats that act as insulation against cold climates, and they are omnivores, surviving on a diet of plants, berries, fish, and small mammals. Some populations, such as the Kodiak and grizzly bears, are well known. Brown bears are typically solitary, except for mother-calf pairs, and when abundant food resourcessuch as salmon streams bring them together

Red Pand

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Red Pand

Small, with its arboreal presencethe red panda distribution occurs along the mountainous Himalayas and parts of China. It bears bright reddish-brown fur, almost ring-like on its bushy tail, although white markings at regular positions depict the face markings. It's an herbivore, although it also takes small insects and acorns. They are excellent climbers and spend most of their time in the trees. The red pandas have been considered an endangered species due to habitat loss, poaching, and a decline in food sources.


Asian Small-clawed Otter

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Asian Small-clawed Otter

The Asian small-clawed otter is the smallest in its species of otter native to Southeast Asia, including but not limited to areas in India, China, and the Philippines.  Their nature has often been playful and social in the company of a family set within salt marshes, rivers, and lakeside. Their distinctively small claws provide great ability for them to grab food such as crabs, mollusks, fish, and amphibians. 

Tree Kangaroos


The tree kangaroo is a specialized group of kangaroos adapted to life in trees, found only in rainforests of Papua New Guinea, northern Australia, and nearby islands. Compared to their terrestrial relatives, tree kangaroos have powerful forelimbs, long muscular tails for balance, and sharp claws on each limb features that enable them to climb and maneuver around the forest canopy. Most of them are herbivorous, feeding on leaves, fruits, and flowers.

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Ring-tailed Lemur

Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva
Woodland Park Zoo / Getty / Canva

Ring-tailed Lemur

The ring-tailed lemur is a medium-sized primate native only to the island of Madagascar. The most striking feature about the ring-tailed lemur is its very long, bushy tail, bearing the usual black-and-white rings. The social lemurs are found in troops, often comprising a few female majority. They are terrestrial because they spend a greater proportion of their time on the ground, often climbing into trees for food such as fruits, leaves, and flowers; ring-tailed lemurs; vocal, in addition, seem to show some extremely unusual behaviors like sunbathing and grooming.

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