invasive species

WSDA May Establish Firewood Quarantine
WSDA May Establish Firewood Quarantine
WSDA May Establish Firewood Quarantine
The Washington State Department of Agriculture is considering establishing a quarantine of untreated out-of-state firewood.  The Department is looking to prevent the introduction of plant pests and bee pests.  The movement of firewood containing plant pests and bee pests poses a threat to Washington’s forests, agricultural, and environmental interests.  Eggs, larvae, and ...
Protecting Washington State: Invasive Northern Snakehead Fish Threat
Protecting Washington State: Invasive Northern Snakehead Fish Threat
Protecting Washington State: Invasive Northern Snakehead Fish Threat
Washington State is great for fishing. We have several lakes and ponds and streams all perfect for catching fish. There is one fish, however, that if you catch it, don't release it -- kill it. And not just kill it. The NYIS wants you to kill it, freeze it, and report it so they can step in and take care of that area to prevent it from happening again...

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