Read Hilarious Trolling by Financial Firm Over WA Capital Gains Ruling
You've probably seen their ads on TV: "we do better when our clients do better."
Fisher Investments announces relocation from WA in an acidic news release
In the wake of the stunning decision by the WA State Supreme Court to uphold the notion that the capital gains tax is an excise tax and not an income tax (as considered by dozens of financial experts and even the IRS), Fisher Investments announced they are leaving WA state.
Their headquarters are in Camas, WA, and according to The Columbian Newspaper, they employ about 905 people in Clark County at their headquarters there.
According to Presswire, Fisher released this hilarious but blistering statement about relocating the headquarters to their facilities in Texas:
"PLANO, Texas, March 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In honor of the Washington State Supreme Court's wisdom and knowledge of the law, and in recognition of whatever it may do next, Fisher Investments is immediately moving its headquarters from Washington State to Texas."
As Simon Cowell once said famously, "this is some spectacular trolling." But the underlying foundation is much more serious. This is the first in what many financial and political experts say will be a steady exodus from WA state over this ruling. WA state is now the only place on the planet that considers capital gains to NOT be income. Income taxes are prohibited by the state constitution and therefore illegal.
When asked about the news released, according to The Columbian, Gov. Inslee's office responded with this statement that included this from one of his press deputies:
“We’re not sure what this terse announcement means for the company’s employees in Washington, We’ll be following developments. It’s unfortunate that a company would go to such lengths to avoid a fairer tax system that will benefit working families.”
The Columbian reports so far, no word from Fisher on how fast they will move, or if workers will be transferred from WA.
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