Hikers Shot at by Drug Cartel on California Side of US Border
A story that will probably go national shortly happened this week in California, where a group of US and Canadian hikers were fired at by Mexican drug cartel members. This picture from US Customs and Border Patrol shows tactical agents helping the hikers.
One hiker hit in the leg during the incident
US Customs and Border Patrol tactical teams swarmed to an area about 80 miles east of San Deigo, not far from El Centro, CA after getting a distress call.
CBP released information Friday about the Wednesday incident. Around 11 am the Imperial County 911 Dispatch received a call from a group of US and Canadian hikers, who were in the popular Jacumba Wildnerness area. They were moving through a shallow wide ravine around some very low hills when they came across two armed men.
The men demanded the hikers approach them, but when they refused, they fired a volley of gunfire at the two, hitting the American in the leg. The two men then stole their backpacks and phones. A short time later, CBP tactical teams surrounded the area, and secured and transported the two hikers and the rest of their party away from the area.

CBP agents located the two armed men, but they were able to cross the border back into Mexico before they could be intercepted. CBP confirmed the two were very most likely drug cartel operators.
The incident took place almost a quarter of a mile on the US side of the border.
According to CBP El Centro Sector Chief Gary Bovino:
“The wounded hiker is an ‘I told you so moment’ highlighting the importance of adequate infrastructure the Border Patrol has been championing for years now.”
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Gallery Credit: Andrew Lisa