Every year a host of scams try and trick you into giving your money or financial information and many times the scammers disguise themselves as authorities or important technicians. That's the case in the latest scam being reported by the Yakima Police Department. Authorities say a "concerned citizen" recently told Officers they received a call from someone saying their Pacific Power bill was overdue.

The scammer threatens to cut power if a bill isn't paid

The caller or the scammer told the Yakima resident a power technician would be sent to cancel their power service unless the bill was paid in full. Police say the scammer even provided a fake invoice number to reference when calling the provided fake number. Police say the Yakima resident was told to use a credit card to clear the balance and pay in full.
Police say officials at Pacific Power would never threaten customers with a power shut-off and would work with those who have a tough time paying a power bill.

If you get the call or any call asking for financial information hang up

Officers say if you get a similar call never give out your financial information over the phone or to anyone you don't know. Police are also urging people who get the suspicious call to file an online report with the Yakima Police Department. Authorities say even though the call was reported in Yakima it could happen anywhere in the state.

Scammers target the elderly so tell your parents and grandparents

Many other scams try to trick people out of money or financial information. The most recent scams that have hit Washington State include scammers disguising themselves as police officials threatening arrest for a variety of reasons.

See the 25 weirdest scams ever

Check Out the Best-Selling Album From the Year You Graduated High School

Do you remember the top album from the year you graduated high school? Stacker analyzed Billboard data to determine just that, looking at the best-selling album from every year going all the way back to 1956. Sales data is included only from 1992 onward when Nielsen's SoundScan began gathering computerized figures.

Going in chronological order from 1956 to 2020, we present the best-selling album from the year you graduated high school.

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