You Seeing iT? Yakima Police Say Crime Trending Down in Yakima You Seeing iT? Yakima Police Say Crime Trending Down in Yakima What? Crime down in Yakima? That's what police say.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
More Drunk Drivers In Yakima Jail As Police Show Zero ToleranceMore Drunk Drivers In Yakima Jail As Police Show Zero Tolerance As Officers continue speed patrols in the city they continue to see a consistent number of DUI arrests. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Could Turning on Red Become Illegal In Washington State?Could Turning on Red Become Illegal In Washington State?Turning right on red at an intersection is second nature to most drivers. Under Washington State Law it is legal to turn on red (after you come to a complete stop) in all but three circumstances described in WAC 468-95-250.Robb FrancisRobb Francis