Toppenish Schools Face $8M Shortfall, Planning Staff Cutbacks Toppenish Schools Face $8M Shortfall, Planning Staff Cutbacks student loss from COVID is still a factor. John McKayJohn McKay
Seattle Schools Dump Gifted Program for Student Equity PlanSeattle Schools Dump Gifted Program for Student Equity PlanNo more rewarding gifted students by placing them in advanced academic programs. John McKayJohn McKay
Study-4 Years After WA School COVID Closings, Outlook BleakStudy-4 Years After WA School COVID Closings, Outlook Bleak Four years after COVID closed WA State schools for over a year, test results and other data show WA students badly lagging still. John McKayJohn McKay
WA Opens Another Round of Farm To School Food Grant ApplicationsWA Opens Another Round of Farm To School Food Grant ApplicationsFram to School is a program that help get WA grown or produced food to school and other child nutrition programs.John McKayJohn McKay
High School Financial Literacy Worth $110K In WA, Says StudyHigh School Financial Literacy Worth $110K In WA, Says StudyA new study claims learning how to manage money in HS could provide a big positive financial swing for students. John McKayJohn McKay
With all the talk about voting are you registered for November?With all the talk about voting are you registered for November?State elections officials says the turnout was a low 36.41% for the election which they say was the lowest turnout since the 1930'sLance TormeyLance Tormey
WA Bill Would Add Financial Literacy Class to Grad RequirementsWA Bill Would Add Financial Literacy Class to Grad Requirements Rep Skyer Rude (R) Walla Walla's bill would be "flexible" and allow schools to teach it anytime during four years.John McKayJohn McKay
Preventing School Shootings Now in the Hands of Private SecurityPreventing School Shootings Now in the Hands of Private Security US authorities say more than 340 school shootings were reported in the United States in 2023.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Enrollment Drops Could Close, Consolidate Some Western WA SchoolsEnrollment Drops Could Close, Consolidate Some Western WA SchoolsWhile overall statewide numbers are higher than last year, enrollment figures are still down a bit from the year prior to COVID.John McKayJohn McKay
Schools in WA, Nationwide Facing Milk Carton Shortage Schools in WA, Nationwide Facing Milk Carton Shortage Due to a variety of reasons, many districts are facing a shortage of cartons. John McKayJohn McKay