The airport has joined the coalition RESTORE, which intends to lobby in the U.S. Congress for the interests of Pangborn and other small community airports.
Why Have Plans for a Wenatchee-to-SFO Nonstop Flight Stalled?
Five years ago, in 2018, it seemed hopeful that a nonstop commercial flight from EAT to SFO (Pangborn to San Francisco) would actually happen.
The United States Department of Transportation awarded a grant of $750,000 to match the upswell of community support for just the idea of the Wenatchee Valley connecting to the Bay Area...
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Port commissioners decided Tuesday to delay any agreement with their current consultant on how and if the firm will be used to develop commercial air service.
Alaska/Horizon Airlines has added a second daily flight to the airport, but the airline will charge a $500,000 fee if it's not able to cover its costs.