Legislation in the Washington House (HB 1578) is seeking to better prepare the state's communities for the impacts of wildfire smoke.
The bill, which has bipartisan support, focuses on those communities in Washington which face greater risks during and after wildfires...
A bill has been introduced in the Washington House of Representatives that would outlaw the sale and manufacturing of assault rifles in the state.
HB 1240 identifies 29 specific makes and models of firearms which would fall under the ban and also includes a long litany of language related to the prohibition of the specific features these and other assault-style weapons possess...
Now that the boundaries of Washington's 7th Legislative District have been expanded to make it the largest and most rural voting jurisdiction in the state, Reps. Joel Kretz and Jacqueline Maycumber have an even bigger job ahead of them in trying to convey the needs of Eastside residents to a largely-Westside set of lawmakers...