How I Got Rid of My Flu in Record Time
Do I even need to state the obvious?
The flu is going around and it's not playing around, nor is it playing favorites. Anyone and everyone from kids to older generations are getting sick with what seems to be Influenza A.
And the nerve this flu had to pull up to me like it knows me. psssh!
Well, yeah, I got sick. I felt it coming, though, so I was a little prepared, but wasn't as prepared as I thought I'd be.
I'm typically not super susceptible to the flu as it is but I've noticed the little signs of slight lightheadedness, tightening of the chest, a little congested. Okay, just to be safe, I better prepare and I'm glad I did.

I got home that first night, one of my kids said they were experiencing the same symptoms and we all went to bed.
The next day, that's when it hit us all like a freight train.
Full-blown fevers, chills, lack of appetite, just 'being out of it' for the most part.
Some may use this time to veg out and pop something on TV but I did the opposite route.
I stayed in bed.
No video games
No Duolingo (fortunately I had a couple freezes so I could continue my streak)
Just me and my pillow and the ceiling.
And (I think it's important) extra blankets. I wanna sweat this thing out as quick as possible.
The first day I felt miserable.
I mean, I've had Covid and it didn't suck this bad.
I had literally no appetite but I still forced myself to at least sip water whenever I could find the strength to get out of bed but soon as I would I'd slink right back into bed.
Later in the evening I thought, of all brilliant ideas, that something cold may help with my slightly scratchy throat from all the coughing so, instead of something nutritious I tried a cookie dunked in milk. Unfortunately, and because I didn't know as I hadn't eaten anything that day, I apparently lost my sense of taste. It's not the first time it's happened to me as I was this sick back in early 2019 (pre-covid) so, easy enough, I just didn't have anything.
I did find one thing I could taste which was Dole Pineapple, Orange, Banana juice. Maybe because it's 100% fruit juice? I'm not sure, but other things I tried just to 'try', nothing tasted like anything, but this was one drink I could taste so it was about the best thing ever.
That was my entire Day 1.
And, usually (almost always) I can defeat the flu in one day just by doing this... but this flu had it for me, apparently.
My Day 2 was kind of similar but with different conditions. I still had a fever (at 101) but I was more aware and less light-headed than the previous day. Still, same as before, I stayed in bed all day and tried to sleep through the fever dreams as much as I could.
Much like how getting a good night's sleep is so important for body builders to build muscle, sleeping is the best way to fight off anything in your body so I tried to do that as much as humanly possible.
Fever dreams make it hard as my dreams are usually mathematical or involve solving puzzles which are often confusing so I end up waking up too early. But I'll take as much rest as I can.
Still can't taste anything outside of that amazing Dole Pineapple Orange Banana juice so that's fine by me. At least it's something, along with water. I did eat a saltine cracker. Fortunately, those don't really have flavor to begin with so I didn't know if it was any different either way. I did try to drink some tea, but I couldn't taste that either, but the warm water felt nice.
That night I actually got a decent night's sleep.
I woke up around 4 a.m. and didn't have a temperature anymore, I still felt a little dizzy. Kind of like when you had a headache and don't anymore, but you can still feel like you used to have a headache. A little like that.
It's a day to be on the mend and take it easy so that's exactly what I've been doing.
Here's hoping tomorrow will be better than today as well.
And, again.
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