Get a New Career at Perry Tech’s Open House January 11
You've been rockin' that J.O.B. for far too long.
It's time you finally put your skills and talents to good use and look into getting a new career.
The place to do it in town is Perry Tech.
Perry Tech is holding a 'New Year, New Career' open house on Saturday, January 11th.
From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. you can tour the campus, chat with instructors, and learn everything you need to get started on your new journey with the amazing Perry Technical Institute.
From the Perry Tech website.
Are you in the process of choosing the right higher education fit? By attending an open house at Perry Tech, you get to meet our faculty and staff members, explore the campus, learn more about our programs and figure out a financial plan that will work for you. With our laid back, no pressure approach you can choose the path that works best for you and your career goals. Sign up below for an open house at either our Yakima or Sunnyside campus today and be one step closer to your new future!
A few people you can speak to this Saturday:
Ask Kindra Heintz about the 6-month medical assistant and 1-year hybrid medical office admin and coding programs.
Ask Andy Fischer about the 2-year A.A.S. degree IT & Comms. systems program.
Ask Tony Nirk about the 2-year instrumentation, automation and robotics tech.
Ask Valerie Ryan about the 1.5 year A.A.S. degree in business technology and accounting program.
and a lot more!
We'll see you there this Saturday.
Get signed up now for your personal tour at perrytech.edu/openhouse.