Suspect Bogs Stolen Car in Wet Cement, Flees with Baby and Booze
The City of Lakewood, which is about two miles southwest of Tacoma, experienced a little delay in the completion of a roundabout. Why? Because a stolen car suspect drove their contraband car into wet cement. But that's not all.
Suspect fled scene holding a baby in one hand, booze bottle in other.
Monday morning, City of Lakewood crews were putting the finishing touches on a roundabout project near The North Gate Road.
As the city reported on their Instagram account, suddenly an errant driver came speeding up in what turned out to be a stolen Mini Cooper. The driver plowed the car into the wet cement, and when they couldn't free themselves, they ran on foot.
The driver escaped carrying a baby in one arm, a booze bottle in the other. Fortunately, a city crew supervisor who was there called 9-1-1, and the suspect was captured shortly afterward. Their name was not released, and we don't know what became of the child. However, the city says the project continued after the holes were refilled and resmoothed.
Our roundabouts have never seen anything like that!
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