‘High Risk’ Frito Lay Chips Food Recall Issued for WA and Oregon
Well, food recalls are unnerving, especially if it affects the snacks you have planned for the big game day, right?
But don't worry, it's not for some awful E. coli bacteria or anything. It's because it may contain milk So those with allergy sensitive illness to milk could be adversely affected.
Frito Lays chip recall" has been in the top 6 searches for OR and WA on Google Trends. As the Statemen Journal reports, the Food and Drug Administration have upgraded a recall for Lay's Classic Potato Chips to the highest risk level for some packages that were distributed and purchased in Oregon and Washington.
Potential High Health Risk in Recalled Frito Lays Chips
The Class 1 classification means that people who are exposed to or consume the chips could suffer "serious adverse health consequences or death," according to the FDA.
I feel so bad for people affected by such a severe reaction from something like milk or nuts. I can't even imagine. That would be awful. I've been lucky to not be allergic to anything! (that I know of anyway).
Important Reminders About Food Recalls
It's important to always check labels or ask at a restaurant if you suspect you are allergic to something. And if you are a person who has severe reactions to anything, I'm guessing you would have an Epi-pen with you at all times.
Allergy testing is available in many places around the Tri-Cities Area. It's better to be safe than sorry if you suspect you might be allergic to something.
Recall notices are usually sent out in a timely matter so it's always important to take note when you see one pop up and let your family and friends know as well.

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