All Evacuation Notices Canceled From Fire Above No. 2 Canyon Rd.
UPDATE 8:30 AM Monday -- All evacuation notices have been canceled as of 8:30 am Monday. They were left in place overnight in case of a flare up with the fire.
8PM UDATE--The brush fire in No. 2 Canyon has been contained according to Wenatchee Valley Fire Chief Brian Brett.
Chelan County Emergency Management has reduced all evacuation alerts to LEVEL 1
The fire will be monitored overnight to prevent any flareups, according to Brett.
The cause is believed to have been accidental in nature and was sparked by a lawnmower.
The fire was first reported around 4:30pm in the 2500 block of No. 2 Canyon Road.
There was no damage to any structures reported.
A third-alarm brushfire is underway.
At 4:30 p.m. local time, a brushfire was observed in the 2500 block of Number 2 Canyon Road, which is situated above Wenatchee.
Currently the fire is estimated at 25 acres. The exact cause is unknown.
Details are still scarce, according to Wenatchee Valley Fire spokeswoman Kay McKellar.
Air support has been enlisted. The fire will require a multi-agency response.
"The apparatus is responding and getting in place," McKellar says. "They have helicopter support coming out of Yakima - three helos are coming. It's just about getting everybody staged."
"They've called for traffic control. We're trying to encourage people to stay out of the area to make it easier for the apparatus to respond - that's also for the safety of civilians."
Level 3 evacuations are in place for selected areas, including the entirety of Kings Court - also the area between Milepost 1.5 and Castle Heights Road.
This is a developing story.