Frank Cooper

North Bend Man Faces Up to 40 Years in Jail for Illegal Hunting
The Washington State Attorney General's Office says Jason Smith has been charged with 32 criminal counts.

New UW Study Finds Meth & Fentanyl in WA & OR Transit
The study, released this week, shows a very concerning trend.

Washingtonians, Get Rid of Your Liberty Gun Safes
The long trusted gun storage company has come under serious fire for making a very questionable decision.

Hyper-virulent Bacterium in Seattle Sparks NIH Investigation
Virginia Medical Center reported earlier this year that an outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae has infected 31 patients, with seven deaths.

Pasco Mayor Pro-Tem Resigning
Pasco City Councilmember and Mayor Pro-Tem Craig Maloney has announced his intent to resign from Pasco City Council effective October 2.

WA Company Facing Half Million Dollar Fine After Multiple Violations
The final straw came after a worker unloaded molten sulfur from a rail car without wearing the proper respiratory protection.

Man Crashes Car in Grant County Dies via Electrocution
The driver died after crashing his vehicle and then being electrocuted by downed power lines.

Hanford Advisory Board Seeks New Applicants
Applications will be accepted from September 5th through October 31st for several vacant seats on the board.

Washington State Could (Maybe) See an Aurora Come Sunday
Two M-Class solar flares have combined and will impact Earth sometime Sunday.

Kennewick Man Guilty of Misusing COVID Relief Funds
Benjamin D. Castilla, the owner of Columbia Basin Netwerks, a Kennewick-based IT services business, admitted that he received PPP and EIDL funding for his business.